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Friday, January 8, 2010


"We can try to avoid reality... but we cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality."

PS: On Jan. 4th, 2010, Toledo's newly elected Mayor, Mike Bell, starts out with a worse-than-expected deficit of a negative $44,000,000 [million dollars!]... in a city whose revenues have continued to drop for decades, as jobs disappear and the population dwindles each year. -- NOTE: Toledo, formerly the Glass Capital of the World, also used to be the home of eleven (11) Fortune 500 Companies who had their headquarters in Toledo, as well as their main manufacturing plants. Now all of that is gone! Only Owens-Corning's headquarters remains, and that is because they just got out of bankruptcy reorganization. The rest are all gone... all the factories and the offices! -- CONCLUSION: Toledoans who think what has happened in Detroit cannot happen in Toledo will only help to reinforce the inevitable with that kind of denial. Toledo is a mirror image of Detroit! Drastic changes must happen in Toledo if there is any hope of avoiding the exact same blight that has literally destroyed Detroit... which, at one time, was once the wealthiest city in America per capita, income-wise... as well as the [former] 5th largest city in America. You do the math... and then consider the causes.