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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Winter at Put-In-Bay, OH on South Bass Island, Lake Erie


Put-In-Bay, Ohio is one of my most favorite / fun places to visit. But, I've never been to Put-In-Bay in the winter. This video now causes me to rethink that. However, I'm still not too keen about going out on the ice... especially in a car. As a kid I went through the ice once, and that was enough for me. I was lucky to hit bottom and come right back up through the same hole I went through. That's why you are reading this blog today... :-)

Regardless, I guess you can tell where my mind is today... even though the temperature was in the mid-70's here in South Florida today. Home is where the heart is. Counting me and my brother, Gary, four generations of my family have enjoyed Put-In-Bay over the years. And in case you're counting, it's just six months until Memorial Day Weekend at The Bay!

PS: Ya gotta love the minature "Round House" ice shanty in the first video. Meanwhile... here is a 60 second ad for the real thing: < >

Friday, November 21, 2008

Considering all the news about the "Big 3" auto industry begging for money in Washington this week, I thought this clip from Detroit was timely and a real eye-opener:

Suffice to say, life in America as we once knew it no longer exists. This video illustrates why this is true. Just as no one can work for one company for 40 years and retire safely anymore, neither can big American corporations count on maintaining their share of their respective market just because they are big and have been around for many years. Manufacturers must make a profit so they can pay dividends to their stockholders. American workers need to understand that providing jobs to workers is NOT an obligation. Paying dividends to stockholders IS an obligation. Thus, companies are forced to go where labor is cheapest. In this case it was a small rural town in Brazil.

Yes, it's a new world... and many parts of this competitive new world are going to be financially painful for millions of Americans. While other countries and their people benefit and improve their life-styles, Americans will loose.

Just as water flows to the equator, American manufacturing companies will continue to "flow" to countries with cheaper labor rates. And consequently, the American economy and our life-styles will change for the worse. We are now part of a new global market and, as such, we are forced to be competitive. NOTE TO AMERICAN WORKERS: Just being intelligent, hard working and reliable isn't enough to secure your job anymore .

NAFTA and GATT, both signed into law by [then] President Bill Clinton, greased the exit door... making it easier for American companies to move their manufacturing plants to other countries where wages are a mere fraction of what American workers are paid. Who can compete with the low-paying labor costs in China, Korea, Mexico and elsewhere? Ans: No one! This includes GM, Ford and Chrysler, as we are now seeing on television daily. At last count, economists estimate 5.5 million manufacturing jobs have left America... never to return. Well, just like "Elvis has left the building" ... it's just a matter of time before prosperity and manufacturing jobs have left the country!

NOTE: "Prosperity" is directly tied to the manufacturing of hard goods... measured and referred to today as GDP.

While I am not a doom and gloom type of person, I have been warning for years that American manufacturing unions are pricing themselves out of a job. The attached video [above] makes the point better than any amount of words I can ever speak or write.

Let me know what you think... after you watch the video.


Thursday, November 20, 2008


Welcome friends & family... as well as you curious strangers. I answer to many different names. I am known as "David" by my close friends and family... as "Dave" by most of my Midwestern friends... and as "Hillman" by many of my Florida friends and business associates. Thus, the name of the blog, in case you were wondering.
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This new blog will be an on-going and ever-growing collection of my observations, wit and wisdom... as well as a sharing of my favorite music, history, current events and perspectives on our changing American culture .... and [hopefully] intelligent comments and discussion on all the above.
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What you see initially is a mere smattering from my cranium. I truly know not where this eclectic exercise will take us. I have no specific agenda. But, as you can see herein, my interests are "diverse", for lack of a better word. Hopefully you will be entertained and/or enlightened enough to save this blog address and check back occasionally. Your perspective on the topics, links and unusual items that I post are welcomed. Plus, please feel free to share this blog with your friends and family members.
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It is said that most people have, on average, five careers in their [adult] lifetime. Thus far, I have worked as: a Journeyman Carpenter; a Construction Field Superintendent; a Construction Project Manager; a High School Teacher (juniors & seniors); a Salesman; a Construction Estimator; a Contract Negotiator; a self-employed Residential Builder (homes, condos & apartments); a self-employed Commercial General Contractor (banks, offices, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, warehouses, retail, high-tech, etc.); a Professional Construction Consultant to Banks and property owners; and an Expert Witness for attorneys involved in construction-related lawsuits; ...with at least a couple more new "careers" yet to be realized, i.e. a Saloon Owner/Operator and an author.
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Meanwhile, what you can count on in this blog is the following: 1. I don't talk about things I don't know; 2. I say what I mean; and 3. I mean what I say. For the record, I believe our "opinions" are meant to be used for such things as picking out colors, hair styles, fashions and the latest new car models. Point being, "opinions" that are not backed up with accurate facts and sound, cognitive thinking are considered pretty much useless in these parts. So, be forewarned when you start a sentence with: "In my opinion..." Lastly, even though we are all adults around here... gratuitous insults, crudities and profanity are frowned upon. Govern yourself accordingly.
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I like to share meaningful quotes, be they mine or from others more learned than I. That being said, here's an opening quote from 'yours truly' for my new blog.....
"The hardest / most important thing in life is to always be honest with one's self."
--David Hill
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Most asked question of me since November 5, 2008.... "So, what do you think about the outcome of the election?"
My answer.... "This election was about ideology rather than ideas.... i.e. socialism verses capitalism. Unfortunately, most of the people who voted for Obama don't understand the difference between ideology and ideas. All of which bolsters my long-held position that everyone should have to pass a basic test before being allowed to vote. We have to take a test to drive. The same standard should apply to voting." --David Hill
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